This post is about the latest offers of Teletalk Bornomala Sim. If you are a user of TeletalkBornomala Sim, you are eligible to get these offers. This post will help you to get all related detailed information about this sim. No other company or sim offers such benefits as TeletalkBornomala sim, especially for the students at Bangladeshi colleges & Universities.
টেলিটক বর্ণমালা ইন্টারনেট অফার ২০২৪
This is the post where you can find out Teletalk Bornomala internet offer 2024. If you have a Teletalk Bornomala sim, then this post can help you find the exact offer. Teletalk always gives special offers for Bangladeshi colleges and university students.
Teletalk Bornomala has released the very lowest rate data pack for its customers. That means you will enjoy a very cheap call rate and internet offer. Now below here, we give Teletalk Bornomala net offer 2024 with the table. Check out the Teletalk Bornomala internet pack
টেলিটক বর্ণমালা ইন্টারনেট প্যাকেজ ২০২৪
Here we mention Teletalk Bornomala Start-up Bonus information. Check out full information about Teletalk’s new SIM offer.
• If you buy a new connection of TeletalkBornomala sim, you will get a start-up bonus as a free 50 voice minutes, 50 SMS (any local number), and 5GB data (validity 30 days). This bonus will be available after the first 50Tk recharge after activation of the SIM.
• Prepaid pay per use data rate, voice SMS rate will be same on Bornomala sim.
• Other package users will not avail of the 50tk recharge offer of Bornomala sim.
টেলিটক বর্ণমালা সিমের ইন্টারনেট অফার
Data volume Price (Including SD, VAT &SC) Usage validity Shortcode USSD Activation
Data volume | Price (Including SD, VAT &SC) | Usage validity | Short code | USSD Activation |
1 GB | Tk.24 | 7 Days | B1 | *111*611# |
1 GB | Tk.46 | 30 Days | B2 | *111*612# |
2 GB | Tk.83 | 30 days | B3 | *111*613# |
3 GB | Tk.62 | 10 days | B4 | *111*614# |
5 GB | Tk.96 | 15 days | B5 | *111*615# |
10 GB | Tk.186 | 30 days | B6 | *111*616# |
TeletalkBornomala sim consumers can only enjoy these offers.
For internet balance checking, just dial *152#.
These internet offers can be purchased multiple times.
Prices for various packages include all VAT, SD, etc.
Teletalk can stop these offers anytime they want.
বর্ণমালা ১ জিবি ইন্টারনেট অফার
Bornomala 1GB data offer:
1. 1 GB data for 7 days:
Package price is 24tk only (including all prices, VAT, and SD)
The package will be validated for 7 days.
Package activation code *111*611#.
2. 1 GB data for 30 days:
Package price is 46tk only (including all prices, VAT, and SD)
The package will be validated for 30 days.
Package activation code *111*612#.
বর্ণমালা ২ জিবি ইন্টারনেট অফার
Bornomala 2GB data offer:
2 GB data for 30 days:
Package price is 83tk only (including all prices, VAT and SD)
Package will be validated for 30 days.
Package activation code *111*613#.
বর্ণমালা ৩ জিবি ইন্টারনেট অফার
Bornomala 3GB data offer:
3 GB data for 10 days:
Package price is 62tk only (including all prices, VAT and SD)
Package will be validated for 10 days.
Package activation code *111*614#.
বর্ণমালা ৫ জিবি ইন্টারনেট অফার
Bornomala 5GB data offer:
5 GB data for 15 days:
Package price is 96tk only (including all prices, VAT and SD)
Package will be validated for 15 days.
Package activation code *111*615#.
বর্ণমালা ১০ জিবি ইন্টারনেট অফার
Bornomala 10GB data offer:
10 GB data for 30 days:
Package price is 186tk only (including all prices, VAT and SD)
Package will be validated for 30 days.
Package activation code *111*616#.
টেলিটক বর্ণমালা নতুন সিমের অফার ২০২৪
Some new features are added to purchase TeletalkBornomala sim internet packages. Every package contains a shortcode. You can buy internet packages through SMS. Just go to the SMS option and type the related shortcode of your desired internet package and send it to 111. After this process, your data pack will be activated automatically. Type B2 and send it to 111. 1GB for 30 days package will be activated.
টেলিটক বর্ণমালা সিমের রিচার্জ অফার ২০২৪
Are you a small user? Then this recharge offer of ‘Bornomala’ has been fulfilling your need. Have a look and get this offer. If you are a limited user of TeletalkBronomala sim, you can enjoy this small recharge offer. To avail this benefit, have a look below.
Recharge amount: 30tk
Talk time: 30min (on-net)
Data: 60MB
Validity: 3 days
SMS: 30 (any operator)
We try our best to give Teletalk Bornomala internet offer information. If you think the post is useful for everyone. Then share the post with everyone. And keep visiting our website to get updates Teletalk Bornomala Internet offer 2024 information. Thanks for reading our full post.
আরও দেখুনঃ
টেলিটক বর্ণমালা সিমের মিনিট অফার
টেলিটক ইন্টারনেট অফার ( Teletalk Internet Offer)
টেলিটক নতুন সিম অফার (Teletalk New SIM Offer )